Wednesday, June 12, 2019

How to Style Your Hair Without Damaging It Permanently

Hair as the crowning glory is a given, but many still don’t give their hair the care and attention it deserves. Often, people complain about frizz, split ends, dandruff, and hair loss, even though these problems can be manageable with the right hair care routine.

If you’ve been styling your hair unprotected and without regard for its health, it’s time for a change of ways. Here’s how to be gentler on your hair to prevent further damage:

Be Gentle on Your Scalp

Hair care should start at the roots. That means paying attention to the health of your scalp, as improper use of hair styling products may result in dandruff and hair loss. Before you make any changes to your hair care, know the root of the problem and consider anit hair loss prevention options that target your problem. Start by educating yourself on hair health and assess the current damage. If you’re not confident in your own assessment, hair care experts can help with this and can recommend the hair solution for you.

Care for Your Curls

Natural hair is beautiful when cared for, maintained, and styled properly and protectively. It’s wrong to assume that there is only one kind of curl--there are, in fact, several curl types, and it’s important for you to know your curl type to care for it effectively. For most curl types, a wide-tooth comb is recommended, and brushing is discouraged. Curls come in groups, and brushing separates the strands, which causes frizz and tangles. To detangle your hair, comb through gently after you condition in the shower. Microfiber towels will also help you dry your hair naturally without subjecting it to much friction.

Protect Your Hair from Styling

There are some hairstyles that are better for curly or damaged hair to protect the strands from further damage. You may need a haircut to signal the start of your new hair care routine. However, it’s not just the style itself that you need to change to preserve the health of your hair. Before styling, you should be using protective products so that your hair will not be prone to breakage when subjected to heat. To lock in moisture and add shine to hair, use products after styling, as well. If your hair is curly or frizzy, re-apply leave-in conditioner as needed throughout the day.

Your hair can grow long and strong if you care for it from root to tip. Especially if you’re subjecting it to heat and humidity daily, you’ll want to do your best to be more protective of the strands of your crowning glory.

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